Complete the online form or print the Credit Application Company Legal Name *Street Address *Apartment, suite, etcCity *State/Province *ZIP / Postal Code *Cell PhoneWork Phone *Email AddressNature of Business *Number of Years in Business *Owner's Name *Banking InformationBankBranchPhone Trade ReferencesNamePhoneEmail AddressNamePhoneEmail AddressNamePhoneEmail AddressEstimated Monthly Credit Required ($): *The Information provided on this application is true, accurate and complete. The undersigned authorizes U-Auto Wash/Splash & Go Car Wash to make such credit investigations as is necessary in connection with this application and/or any ongoing credit transaction. All credit information gathered shall be held strictly confidential. Terms: Minimum monthly credit is $60.00. I/We understand that all invoices are due and payable within 30 Days of statement date. I/We acknowledge that 6% per month will be charged on all overdue accounts. I/We also acknowledge responsibility for all collection costs that may be incurred by U- Auto Wash/Splash & Go Car Wash if the above terms are not met. I/We acknowledge that payment of statement with any credit card is subject to a 3% credit card fee. I/We acknowledge that any statement not payed within the given terms will be charged to the credit card on file. Name on Card *Credit Card to Bill if Terms Not Met *CVVExpiry Date *Please indicate the services required for credit purposes: *WashesFuelIn Store Goods* Number of Fleet Cards Required: *Title *Name *Date *Signature *Start signing your signature hereYour browser does not support e-Signature field.Consent *I agree to the above terms:Submit Credit AppPlease do not fill in this field.